Jennifer Jordan
Assistant Professor
Open Educational Resources Librarian
Learning, Research & Engagement
Contact Information
- Zimmerman Library B32
Jennifer Jordan is the Open Educational Resources (OER) Librarian in the department of Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communication (DISC) in CULLS. She has strong experience with creating and adopting OER, including serving as a Presidential Fellow in Central New Mexico Community College’s OER Initiative where she co-created the English department’s open source textbooks, currently used in multiple English courses. These textbooks have saved CNM students hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Through the OER Initiative at CNM and as a Presidential Fellow, Jennifer helped support faculty adoption, adaptation, and creation of Open Educational Materials. She co-administered CNM’s Adopt! Adapt! Create! program, which incentivized faculty to integrate Open Educational Resources into their courses. She looks forward to applying her advocacy skills at UNM to help faculty navigate the world of Open Access materials.
Jennifer is also a Creative Writer whose work has been published in numerous journals and sites including Creative Nonfiction, The New Mexico English Journal, Cutbank, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Sonora Review, Ascent, and This American Life. She applied her creative writing skills while structuring, rewriting, revising, and re-envisioning OER materials for her student population.
Jennifer’s research interests include exploring the effect of Open Educational Resources on student success and whether or not OER can positively impact attrition. She is a UNM alum twice over with a bachelor of arts in English and Journalism and a master of fine arts in Creative Writing with an emphasis in creative nonfiction.
Selected Publications:
Compounded Labor: Developing OER as a Marginalized Creator, a scholarly essay that appeared in the journal In the Library with the Leadpipe on March 15, 2023.
“The Performance,” is an excerpt from Jennifer’s memoir manuscript, which appeared in Hayden’s Ferry Review from Arizona State University in the fall of 2020.
Developing a Time of Writing Voice in Memoir, a piece on creative nonfiction craft, appeared in The Brevity Blog on February 5, 2020.
Origin Story, a chapter from her manuscript, appeared in issue 90 of Cutbank from the University of Montana. This essay was published in the fall of 2019.
Grammar and Sentence Construction Handbook, an open textbook that synthesizes multiple open source texts and helps students meet the outcomes in English 1110 and 1110P courses, was published by CNM in the Fall of 2019
The Lesson, a finalist in the Sycamore Review’s Prize for Nonfiction, was eventually published in Creative Nonfiction’s Winter 18/19 issue.
On Being C Average a personal essay intertwined with scholarly research appeared in the New Mexico English Journal in October 2018.
Workplace Writing and Communication, an open textbook developed for CNM’s English 1210 courses, was published by CNM in Spring 2018
Introduction to College Writing, a derivative of seven different open educational resources, is used in English 1110 and 1120 courses. This textbook was published by CNM in Fall 2017
Doin’ Time, a personal essay, appeared in Ascent from Concordia College in January 2013 and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
The Man Who Came to Dinner, is a story that aired on This American Life from National Public Radio on December 23, 2007.