Administrative and Program Contacts
College Administration
Leo Lo | 277-7168 |
Associate Dean, Administration and Organizational Strategy
Mark Emmons | 277-6674 |
Oversees: Assessment, Budget & Cost Management, Communications & Marketing, Discovery & Web Services, Facilities, Human Resources, Information Technologies, OILS, UNM Press
Associate Dean, University Libraries
Amy Jackson | 277-1207 |
Oversees: Access Services, Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections, Collections, Learning, Research & Engagement, Technical Services.
Department Administrator

Areas of responsibility: Dean’s Office Manager, SOP coordinator, compliance officer, faculty searches, process improvement analyst
Assistant to the Dean

Areas of responsibility: ULLS catering, payroll, scheduling, general inquiries, purchase requests, business cards, name tags
Budget and Cost Management
Christine Sraha | Operations Manager | 277-7167 |
Areas of responsibility: Travel and purchase approval, Purchasing, Manages all CULLS budgets and is the liason with Fiscal Shared Services.
Marlene Valdez | Fiscal Services Tech | (505) 277-7166 |
Areas of responsibility: Office phones, Money list deposits, ILL billing, UNM royalties
Carol Kennedy | Director | 277-5632 |
Employee Resources
Cindy Mason | HR Administrator 2 | 277-1010 |
Areas of responsibility: faculty, staff and student transactions and hiring
Bonifacio Anglada | Manager, Facilities Operations | 277-0458 | pumpkins@unm.eduAreas of responsibility: Building maintenance, Key request/Lock Shop, Custodial Services
Information Technology Services
Kathleen Garcia | IT Manager | 277-0239 |
Marketing and Communication

Areas of responsibility: Media liason, college Updates, website directory editor, marketing materials, Filming requests, ULLS listservs
Special Assistant to the Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion & Grants Librarian
Teresa Neely | Professor | 925-9514 | neely@unm.eduAreas of responsibility: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, and Grants