
David A. Hurley

Associate Professor

Discovery and Web Librarian

Public Services

Contact Information

  • Centennial Library L255A
  • (505) 277-1055


Curriculum Vitae

David is the discovery and web librarian for the University Libraries. Previously he was the first-year experience librarian. Before coming to UNM, David worked at the New Mexico State Library, The Public Library of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County, and Diné College Libraries. 

Selected Publications

Hurley, D. A., Kostelecky, S. R., & Townsend, L. (2022). Cultural humility. ALA Editions.

Hurley, D. A. & Warner, A. (2022) Does proactivity drive use? Understanding growth in chat reference services. Public Services Quarterly.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15228959.2021.1896412

Hurley, David A. (2021) Repeat Users of Chat Reference: An Exploratory Study. The Reference Librarian. 62(3-4): 264-278. https://doi.org/10.1080/02763877.2021.1986875

Warner, A. & Hurley, D.A. (2021). Does the READ Scale Work for Chat? A Review of the Literature. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice. 16(3):122-139. https://doi.org/10.18438/eblip29947

Warner, A., Hurley, D. A., Wheeler, J., Quinn, T (2020). Proactive Chat in Research Databases: Inviting New and Different Questions. The Journal of Academic Librarianship. 46(2). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2020.102134

Hurley, D. A., Kostelecky, S. and Townsend, L. (2019). Cultural Humility in Libraries. Reference Services Review. 47(4): 544-555.  https://doi.org/10.1108/RSR-06-2019-0042

Kostelecky, S. R., Hurley, D. A., Manus, J. & Aguilar, P. (2017). Centering Indigenous Knowledge: Three Southwestern Tribal College and University Library Collections. Collection Management. 42(3/4): 180-195. https://doi.org/10.1080/01462679.2017.1327914

Hurley, D. A., Kostelecky, S. R., & Aguilar, P. (2017). Whose Knowledge? Representing Indigenous Realities in Library and Archival Collections. Collection Management. 42(3/4): 124-129. https://doi.org//10.1080/01462679.2017.1392805

Hurley, D. A. & Potter, R. (2017). Teaching with the Framework: A Cephalonian Approach. Reference Services Review 45(1) 117-130. https://doi.org/10.1108/RSR-07-2016-0044

Edited Volumes
Kostelecky, S. R., Hurley, D. A. & Aguilar, P. (2017) Sharing Knowledge and Smashing Stereotypes: Representing Native American, First Nation, and Indigenous Realities in Library Collections. Collection Management. 42(3/4). https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/wcol20/42/3-4