Mark Emmons
Associate Dean for Administration and Organizational Strategy
Office of the Dean
Contact Information
- Zimmerman Library 209
- (505) 277-6674
Mark Emmons (he, him, his) is the Associate Dean for Administration and Organizational Strategy in the College of University Libraries & Learning Sciences at the University of New Mexico.
University Libraries supports our communities by providing expertise, instruction, services, spaces, and collections that advance scholarship, teaching, and intellectual discovery. The UL includes Access Services, the Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections, Collections, Digital Initiatives & Scholarly Communications, Discovery & Web Services, Instruction & Outreach, Research Data Services, and Technical Services.
The Organization, Information & Learning Sciences (OILS) program offers undergraduate, masters, and doctoral degrees to individuals interested in improving the learning experiences of adults in organizations through the application of instructional practices and organizational technologies that advance individual, group, and organizational learning. Professor Emmons teaches leadership and qualitative research in the OILS doctoral program.
The UNM Press ranks within the top third of publishing houses in the Association of University Presses (AUP). With over 1,200 titles currently in print and as a distributor for local and regional publishers, the Press enhances the scholarly reputation and worldwide visibility of the university, producing scholarly books in the areas of fine arts, Western history, Latin American studies, literature, poetry, environmental studies, archaeology, anthropology, and natural history, as well as books of general interest and significance for New Mexico and the Southwest.
Dr. Emmons has over thirty years of professional experience as an academic librarian, working at Occidental College before accepting a faculty position at UNM. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies and his Master of Library Science at the University of California, Los Angeles, and his Doctor of Education at the University of New Mexico.
Professor Emmons is the author of the book Film and Television: A Guide to the Reference Literature and has published extensively about film resources, information literacy and library instruction, and the value of the academic library. He is an active member of the American Library Association and the Association of College & Research Libraries.
Select Publications
Academic Libraries and Student Success
“The Academic Library Impact on Student Persistence.” College & Research Libraries: v72 n2 (March 2011): 128-149. Co-author: Frances C. Wilkinson.
“Teaching Information Literacy Skills to Prepare Teachers Who Can Bridge the Research to Practice Gap,” Reference & User Services Quarterly v49 n2 (Winter 2009): 140-150. Co-authors: Elizabeth B. Keefe, Veronica M. Moore, Rebecca M. Sánchez, Teresa Y. Neely, Michele M. Mals.
“Engaging Sources: Information Literacy and the Freshman Research Paper, Part 2.” LOEX Quarterly v37 n2 (Summer 2011): 8-10. Co-authors: Wanda Martin, Carroll Botts, Cassandra Amundson.
“Engaging Sources: Information Literacy and the Freshman Research Paper, Part 1.” LOEX Quarterly, v36 n4 (Winter 2010): 8-9, 12. Co-authors: Wanda Martin, Carroll Botts, Cassandra Amundson.
“Engaging Conversation: Evaluating the Contribution of Library Instruction to the Quality of Student Research,” College & Research Libraries v63 n6 (November 2002): 545-560. Co-author: Wanda Martin. Named to “LIRT’s Top Twenty for 2002” bibliographic instruction articles.
Film Resources
Film and Television: A Guide to the Reference Literature. Westport, Conn: Libraries Unlimited, 2006. Named to College & Research Libraries “Selected Reference Works” and as an American Library Association CHOICE “Outstanding Academic Title” for 2006.
“Film,” a chapter in RCL: Resources for College Libraries, 2007, edited by Marcus Elmore. New Providence, N.J.: R.R. Bowker & Chicago, IL: American Library Association, 2007. Co-author: Jane Sloan. [Available as a portion of a database, was published in book form in 2007]. I am now the sole editor for the film section, responsible for quarterly updates and annual revisions to the database – updates and revisions completed in 2008 and 2009, and with Anne Doherty as editor from 2010 to present.
“Collecting to the Core – The American Cinema: Directors and Directions, 1929-1968” Against the Grain: v31 n1 (February 2019): 33-34.
“American Filmmakers: A Critical List of Books.” Choice: v49 n10 (June 2012): 1789-1797. Co-author: Audra Bellmore.
“World Filmmakers: A Critical List of Books.” Choice: v50 n6 (February, 2013): 999-1005. Co-author: Audra Bellmore.