S "Pil" Kang
Associate Professor
Organization, Information and Learning Sciences
Contact Information
- Zimmerman Library 240
- (505) 277-0164
Sung ‘Pil’ Kang earned his PhD degree in instructional systems technology (IST) with a minor in Management from Kelley School of Business from Indiana University at Bloomington. He had the privilege of working with global companies, Fortune 500 organizations, higher education institutes, and inter-governmental organizations including Bank of America, McDonalds, and Merrill Lynch. As an instructional designer and performance consultant, he has analyzed clients’ needs and designed and developed various solutions including instructional and non-instructional interventions. Through his work experiences, he successfully applied theoretical knowledge of ID and HPT for various learners.
His academic interests include AI in collaboration, change management in higher education, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in higher education, the foundations of human performance technology (HPT), social capital in engineering education, and instructional design.
Selected Publications
Moore, S., Hedayati-Mehdiabadi, A., Law, V., & Kang, S. P. (2024). The change we work: Professional agency and ethics for emerging AI technologies. Techtrends. DOI:10.1007/s11528-023-00895-1 (Scopus Impact factor: 2.5)
Oliveira Neto, J.D., Law, V., & Kang, S. P. (2023). The adoption of open educational resources in the global south. Journal of Computing in Higher Education. DOI: 10.1007/s12528-023-09351-8 (SSCI impact factor: 5.5)
Han, S. H., Oh, E. J., & Kang, S. P. (2022). Social capital leveraging knowledge-sharing ties and learning performance in higher education: evidence from social network analysis in an engineering classroom. AERA Open, 8, doi.org/10.1177/23328584221086665 (SSCI Impact Factor: 2.299)
Svihla, V., Chen, Y., & Kang, S. P. (2022). A funds of knowledge approach to developing design problem framing skills. Journal of Engineering Education, 111(2) 308-337. dx.doi.org/10.1002/jee.20445 (SSCI/SCI impact factor: 3.4)
Kang, S. P., Chen, Y., Svihla, V., Gallup, A., Ferris, K., & Datye, A. (2022). Guiding change in higher education: An emergent, iterative application of Kotter’s Change Model. Studies in Higher Education.47(2), 270-289. doi:10.1080/03075079.2020.1741540 (SSCI impact factor: 4.2)
Kang, S. P., Byun, J., Seo, Y., Law, V., & Ferris, K. (2020). Validating organizational citizenship behavior measure in the collaborative learning environment. Knowledge Management and Elearning: An International Journal, 12(3), 280-297. (Impact factor: 2.4)
Byun, J., Kang, S. P., Law, V., Jeon, S., & Seo, Y (2020). Citizenship behavior and learner engagement in collaborative learning: Exploring dual mediation with emergent leadership and group cohesion. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 32(3) 402-417. (Acceptance rate: 11%).
Han, S.-H., Oh, E. G., & Kang, S. P. (2020). The link between transformational leadership and work-related performance: Moderated-mediating roles of meaningfulness and job characteristics. Leadership and Organization Development Journal.41(4), 519-533. doi:10.1108/LODJ-04-2019-0181 (SSCI impact factor: 1.462)
Selected Grants
Co-principal Investigator, NSF (FY23-25, $472,369, DGE #2325367). Applied graduate STEM education through an innovative hands-on industrial work experience. With PI Jackson, SOE & Co-PIs Pleil SOE.
Co-principal Investigator, NSF (FY17-21, $1,999,957, EEC #1623105). IUSE/PFE:RED:FACETS: Formation of accomplished chemical engineers for transforming society. With PI Datye, SOE & Co-PIs Chi & Han, SOE, & Svihla, OILS.
Selected Instructional Design and Performance Projects
- McDonalds: McDonald's Restaurant Department Management (RDM) global curriculum and courses for restaurant managers in top 20 countries
- Duke University Medical School: Duke Mobile Project- Design and development of mobile learning courses for physicians and healthcare professionals
- Merrill Lynch: Curriculum and course development for 60-hour new investment system training curriculum for all Merrill Lynch financial advisors and support staff
- Bank of America: Seller New Hire Curriculum Development – Design and development of training curriculum courses for new hire sellers